Some recipes Prato ...

We offer some interesting suggestions to prepare some dishes in the area of Prato and throughout Tuscany.

Toast with livers

Ingredients: four chicken livers 30 g of butter or margarine a handful of parsley 2 anchovy dissalate and deliscate and a tablespoon of chopped capers razed a teaspoon of flour 2 tablespoons salt water, if necessary, pepper sliced homemade bread stale.

Preparation: to remove the gall livers without break and tritateli purposes with parsley; make them taste the butter and add the chopped anchovies and capers, salt, pepper, flour and water. Cook a few minutes, still stirring. Make toast the slices of bread and Spread the prepared compound. Serve the hot and cold canapes. You can reduce the dose of completing livers with spleen calf skinned.


Ingredients: four celery, 300 grams of minced veal, 150 grams of minced mortadella, 20 grams of chopped parsley, 50 grams of grated Parmesan cheese, half a clove of minced garlic, five eggs (two will serve for the dough), 50 grams of flour, 200 grams of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, nutmeg and 400 grams of meat sauce.

Preparation: Clean well celery, remove the wires from the coast more ribs large and cut into many pieces about eight centimeters each. Scottateli in boiling water and salt. Raffredare make them cover with cloth which put on a weight to get out all the water from the coast. In the meantime prepared the dough by mixing the veal, the mortadella, parsley, parmesan, a half clove of garlic, two eggs, salt, pepper and nutmeg. When the ribs of celery will be cold and have surrendered water, "Split. A portion will be filled with dough and another will serve to cover it. Pass the ribs stuffed in flour and then in beaten eggs. Friggetele in plenty of olive oil. In a baking dish large place to heat the meat sauce.


Ingredients: 1 cup extra virgin olive oil, 2 chopped red onions, 2 chillies, 2 bunches of cabbage black clean and chopped, 1 tablespoon of tomato concentrate, 1 liter of water, 250 grams of flour yellow yearn for.

Preparation: Heat the oil in a pan capable and browned onion and chilli. The fire must be slow, because onion and chilli should not burn. Add the cabbage black and brown do for about five minutes. Put the tomato concentrate and cook again for five minutes. When everything is well amalgamated, add the water. The water will already be hot, otherwise stop the cooking vegetables. Cover and cook for about three quarters of an hour minutes. At this point you have to throw in the flour with the care of battery disposal plan, stirring constantly. The farinata must cook at least twenty minutes during which must be mixed almost constantly. If you were too dry, add hot water.


Ingredients: 170gr. white flour, 170gr. sugar, 150gr. of butter, chopped almonds (80gr.), 3 eggs, 1 lemon, 1 packet of yeast. Time required: about 25 minutes plus 35 minutes of cooking.

Preparation: Melt the butter in the bath and leaving it cool, in a bowl Whisk 2 whole eggs and 1 egg yolk, sugar together; when you have a soft compound and worked well, add little by little grated of the scorzetta lemon. Finally add the sifted flour 2 / 3 of almonds and yeast. Butter and flour a pie dish diameter of 22 cm, towards the compound and cospargetelo with the remaining chopped almonds. Drop to already hot oven temperature to 180 degrees and cook the cake for about 35 minutes. A cooked add the surface other chopped and toasted almonds. Add icing sugar before serving.

Zuccherina di VERNIO

Ingredients: a pound of flour, four eggs, fifty grams of butter, sugar hectolitre, a packet of yeast, twenty grams of anise seeds, half a glass of anise liqueur, three etti sugar for the icing.

Preparation: Mix the flour, eggs, butter and sugar with yeast, seeds and anise liqueur. Work the dough until it is homogeneous, and then formed small donuts that make cooking already in the oven heated to 180 degrees. In untegame DDI well tinned copper, meanwhile, two etti cook sugar with some 'water and let dissolve a low flame. When sugar begins to melt put little at a time and the Ciambellina rivoltatele with a wooden ladle. Cool on a grid and then serve.