Hospital of Prato

The territory's USL 4 is made up of the Province of Prato, composed of the following Municipalities: Cantagallo, Carmignano, Montemurlo, Poggio a Caiano, Cantagallo, Wells and Prato.

The USL 4 of Prato, formed with Regional Law No 49 of 29.6.1994, has personality, public, autonomous organizational, administrative capital, accounting, management and technical assistance.

The Company has the intent to promote and protect the health of citizens and meet the demand for health care and social security. Shall ensure the levels of assistance provided by the National Health Plan and the Regional in the context of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

The levels of assistance will identify benefits to which the citizen has the right, while what is not included in the level of assistance is Consequently intended normally borne by the citizens.

The principals are the places where they are provided benefits and services that the company guarantees.

The USL operates in Prato, of No 47 principals distributed in the province which, for an overall view, are listed below by district belonging and classified according to levels of assistance: T (territorial assistance), P (prevention) and O (hospital care).

The organization's is divided into organizational structures at distinguished professional business units, sections, offices and organizational structures as functional departments, the staff, the functional areas and units.

The Department of Prevention, the four geographical locations (North, South, East Central, West) and the hospital, which joins the Department of Emergency-Urgency that develops its own territory is (118) and hospital (emergency room).
