Buy Bottega

Famous for years for the great professionalism shown in the textile and clothing industries, Prato still offers its visitors the opportunity to purchase products directly in the old craft workshops of the place.

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  • portal that tells you how and where to buy at discounted prices

Andrea Amerigo

Processing and gold jewelry
Via C. Guasti, 23 - Prato
tel. 0574/40349

Art Stone

Via Baldinucci, 71 - Prato
tel. 335/6002406

Arts and Crafts

Working artistic glass
Via E. Campolmi, 8 / a - Prato
tel / fax 0574/583229

Bardi Franco

Creating jewelry
Via del Serraglio, 91 - Prato
tel. 0574/37853

Iron Beaten

Wrought iron furnishings tailored
Piazza Mercatale, 108 - Prato
tel. 0574/28466 fax 0574/32382

The Laboratory dell'Orafo

Working gemstones
Piazza S. Antonino, 9 - Prato
tel. 0574/37588

Etruscan gold

Creations in gold and precious metals
Way C. Marx, 66 - Prato
tel. 0574/42726

Dual Tapestry

Via F. Ferrucci, 544/546 - Prato
tel. / fax 0574/595229

Glassware Mariotti

Street Y. Gagarin, 2 - Prato
tel. 0574/636722